Post Licensing

Post-License Courses for Real Estate Brokers
North Carolina Broker Post-Licensing Courses
North Carolina Real Estate Commission mandates that all new agents take a series of (3) 30 hour courses after the initial prelicensing course in order to remove the provisional status from your license. All three courses must be completed within the first 18 months of licensure. At least 1 course must be completed every 6 months to maintain your license on active status.
Required Text:
North Carolina Real Estate Manual 2017 Edition
Note from the North Carolina Real Estate Commission:
"Provisional Brokers CANNOT get postlicensing credit for the new Post 303: NC Laws, Rules and Legal Concepts IF they have already taken Selected Topics."
Available Courses
Postlicensing Policy and Procedures
Purpose of the Postlicense Courses
Broker Postlicense Courses: The 90-hour Postlicensing Education Program consists of three 30-hour courses prescribed by the Commission which may be taken in any sequence. However, the Commission recommends that you follow the course number sequence (301, 302, & 303), as course materials were developed with that sequence in mind.
The primary objective of each Postlicense course is to provide instruction at a level beyond that provided in a Prelicense course on topics deemed to be of special importance to licensees.
A provisional broker must satisfactorily complete at least one of the 30-hour courses during the first 18 months following the date of his or her initial licensure in order to retain eligibility to actively engage in real estate brokerage. When a provisional broker has timely completed all three courses, the provisional status of the broker’s license will be terminated by the Commission.
Postlicense Course Descriptions
Post 301-Brokerage Relationships and Responsibilities: Topics addressed in this course include a review of agency relationships in real estate sales transactions and a real estate agent’s legal duties to clients and customers, a step-by-step review and discussion of the functions and responsibilities of a real estate agent when working with residential sellers and buyers, a review of issues associated with transactions in progress when an agent leaves a firm, and a review of license status and education issues.
Post 302-Contracts and Closing: Topics addressed in this course include selected basic contract law concepts, real estate sales contract preparation, sales contract procedures, buyer’s due diligence, closing procedures, Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, closing disclosures preparation, contracts for deed, options, and real estate license status and education issues.
Post 303-Selected Topics: Topics addressed in this course include commercial real estate brokerage, residential property management, land use controls, loan fraud, brokerage compensation issues, license law issues and case studies, selected fair housing issues and case studies, establishing a brokerage firm, manufactured and modular homes and issues relating to short sales.
Broker Postlicense Courses Requirement: Possession of a current North Carolina broker license on “provisional” status is a prerequisite for enrollment in Postlicense courses. Prospective Postlicense course students must present evidence of meeting this prerequisite at the time of enrollment.
- “Provisional” Brokers must complete, within three years following initial licensure “a postlicensing education program consisting of ninety (90) hours of classroom instruction in subjects determined by the Commission” [G.S.93A-4(a)1]. The program consists of three 30-hour courses, at least one of which must be completed in each of the first three years following initial licensure in order to retain eligibility to actively engage in real estate brokerage [Commission Rule 58A.1902].
East Carolina School of Real Estate shall not knowingly enroll an individual in a Postlicense course while the individual is taking another Postlicense course at the same school or a different school if such enrollment would result in the individual being in class for more than 21 classroom hours in any given seven-day period.
- Per Commission Rule 58A.1904, a provisional broker is subject to withdrawal or denial of Postlicensing education credit by the Real Estate Commission if s/he enrolls concurrently in Postlicensing courses (at the same or different schools) that result in the provisional broker participating in Postlicensing courses for more than 21 classroom hours in any given seven-day period.
Registration & Enrollment
Requests for Special Accommodations: Students requesting special accommodations must specify the accommodation needed at least one week prior to the class start date to make sure that the School can accommodate the need.
East Carolina School of Real Estate complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and strives to ensure that no individual with a disability as defined by the ADA is deprived of the opportunity to participate in a course.
Detailed Schedule of Tuition and Fees: East Carolina School of Real Estate accepts the following forms of payment: Credit Card (MasterCard, VISA, Discover, American Express) Personal Checks, or Cash. Payment can be made when registering on the website.
Tuition must be paid as follows: At time of course registration.
The penalty for a check returned for non-sufficient funds will be: Original amount of dishonored check plus $25 fee paid to the School by bank check or money order prior to student readmission to the course.
Tuition Schedule: See website at
Textbook* IS NOT included in Broker Postlicense Course Tuition. *Textbook price is $50.00.
Broker Postlicense Courses Fee: $195.00 per 30-hour course. Required NC Real Estate Manual is not included in Broker Postlicense Course Tuition. The Manual can be purchased from the NCREC website or the School.
NOTE: Each student is required to use the current edition of the NC Real Estate Manual in each Postlicense course. The printed version of the textbook may be purchased directly from the School. The printed, online, or CD-ROM version may be purchased from the North Carolina Real Estate Commission (
East Carolina School of Real Estate DOES allow students to use the online versions of the NC Real Estate Manual during classes. Each student must bring his/her copy of the NC Real Estate Manual to every Postlicense class session.
Confirmation/Registration emails will be sent out 3 days before the course date.
Course Cancellation or Rescheduling / Refunds: East Carolina School of Real Estate reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a course as needed. Students enrolled in a rescheduled or cancelled course will be given a minimum 5-day notice of the cancellation or revised course schedule. If a course is cancelled or rescheduled, students will have the following options: Carry Tuition Fee forward for one year to another Course.
Withdrawals and Transfers / Refunds: A student may withdraw from the Broker Postlicense course by giving written notice to the School at least 72 hours prior to the start of the course and will receive a complete refund. If cancellation is within 72 hours prior to the start of the first class, we will be happy to transfer the tuition fee to another course offered by our School within the next year, however, no refund of any portion of the paid tuition will be given.
A student who terminates enrollment in a Postlicense course after the course begins either by written notice to the School or by no longer attending the course will be allowed to carry forward the tuition fee to re-take the course for a period of one year from the original start date of the terminated course.
A final exam will not be administered to any student who does not satisfy the attendance requirement. Attendance will be closely monitored in every class session, including late arrivals and early departures at the beginning or end of class sessions or any scheduled break times. All time missed will be recorded for each student. Attendance sheets will be signed by students at the beginning of each class.
Eligibility Requirements for Course Completion Certificate in Postlicense Courses
To pass a Postlicense Course and receive a course completion certificate, a student must:
- attend a minimum of 90% of scheduled class sessions,
- timely submit completed in-class and take-home assignments, and
- pass the final exam with minimum score of 75%.
The final exam will be administered on the last, scheduled day of the course.
Students are not permitted to bring laptops, tablets, cell phones or similar electronic devices (other than a basic calculator) to the classroom on the day of an exam. Any student who brings such a device to the classroom on the day of an exam will be required to remove it from the classroom before the exam commences. If a student is discovered to be using such a device or cheating in any other manner during an exam, the student will be immediately dismissed, will receive a failing grade, will not be eligible for any retake or makeup policies, and will be reported to the NC Real Estate Commission [per Commission Rule 58C.0304].
Final Course Exam Make-up and Re-take: Broker Postlicense Course
Postlicense course students must attend a minimum of 90% of all scheduled classroom hours.
At East Carolina School of Real Estate, a student may retake a Postlicense course for $100.00, subject to the following conditions: Students who do not pass the Course Exam and the Retake Exam can repeat our Broker Postlicensing Course one time at the reduced tuition during the next 12 months.
Final Course Exam Make-up and Re-take: Broker Postlicense Courses
A Postlicense course student who does not take the final exam on the last scheduled day of a course may take it as a makeup one time within 90 days of the last scheduled day of the course at a time and date stated by the School.
A Postlicense course student who takes but does not pass the final exam on the last scheduled day of a course may retake the final exam one time; however, the retake must be within 90 days of the last scheduled day of the course at a time and date stated by the School.
- Per Commission Rule 58H .0210(f): A Prelicensing or Postlicensing course student who does not pass the end-of-course exam within 30 days of the last scheduled day of the course must retake the entire course to be entitled to take the end-of-course exam again. All minimum requirements that applied to the original course, including attendance requirements, will apply to a retake of the course.
At East Carolina School of Real Estate, a student may retake a Postlicense course for $100.00, subject to the following conditions: Students who do not pass the Course Exam and the Retake Exam can repeat our Broker Postlicense Course one time at the reduced tuition during the next 12 months.
Student Conduct: Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Dismissal without recourse will be imposed for behavior that, in the judgment of instructor or staff, reflects negatively on East Carolina School of Real Estate. No refund will be given if student is removed from the classroom because of inappropriate behavior or conduct.
Additional School Policies
Inclement Weather: In the event of inclement weather or a local or national emergency, students will be informed of class cancellation and notified of the make-up day during the next regularly scheduled class attendance date.
Course Schedules: Course schedules are published separately from this bulletin. Schedules are available at the School and upon request by phone, fax, email, or U.S. mail. They are also posted on the School’s website:
Use of Technology in the Classroom
East Carolina School of Real Estate is not responsible for lost or stolen electronic devices.
East Carolina School of Real Estate DOES provide wireless Internet access.
If wireless Internet access is provided, East Carolina School of Real Estate is not responsible for disruptions in or problems with the service.
East Carolina School of Real Estate DOES allow the use of laptops, tablets, and similar devices in the classroom provided they do not distract from the learning environment.
If such devices are permitted, the following guidelines will be enforced:
Students may use electronic devices to enhance their learning, including taking notes, researching class topics, or viewing the on-line or CD-ROM version of the NC Real Estate Manual. Sending personal emails/texts, shopping online, visiting social networking sites, or playing games are considered to be disruptions and are not acceptable student conduct. If an instructor discovers that a student is using an electronic device for these (or similar) purposes the student will be asked to turn off the device during the remainder of the class.
If the wireless Internet access is disrupted during a Postlicensing course, East Carolina School of Real Estate will provide a printed copy of the NC Real Estate Manual to any student who had been using the online subscription. The loaned NC Real Estate Manual must be returned at the end of the class. A student who fails to return a loaned NC Real Estate Manual textbook will be required to pay for it before they can receive their certificate of completion.
Instructors, at their discretion, may designate times during which students may and may not use their electronic devices during class sessions. If an instructor has directed students to discontinue use of electronic devices, all students must put away their devices immediately. If a student does not follow an instructor’s direction to discontinue use, the student will be excused from the class.
Sound on electronic devices must be muted during class sessions.
The use of electronic devices (other than a basic calculator) is strictly prohibited during quizzes and exams.
Visitors / Guests: Courses at East Carolina School of Real Estate are open to enrolled students only. Enrolled students MAY NOT bring visitors or guests to the classroom.
Certification: East Carolina School of Real Estate certify that the information and School policies contained herein are accurate and are